How to join video files in a semi-automated way

Simple tech tip

Gerald Nguyen
1 min readMay 4, 2024


You will need the following:

Create a script that use ffmpeg to join video files then save the script and grant it necessary execute permission (on Mac and Linux). Make sure ffmpeg is on executable path, usually the $PATH or %PATH% variable

On Windows, you can use the below.

@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

del concat.txt

rem Get the total number of parameters
set "totalParams=0"
for %%# in (%*) do set /a "totalParams += 1"

set /a "to_merge=%totalParams%-1"

echo There are a total of %to_merge% video to merge

rem Loop through all parameters except the last one
set "index=0"
set "outputfile="
for %%f in (%*) do (
set /a "index+=1"
if !index! neq %totalParams% (
set "F=%%f"
set "F=!F:\=/!"
set "F=!F:"=!"
echo file !F!
echo file !F! >> concat.txt
) else ( set "outputfile=%%f" )

echo output file %outputfile%

ffmpeg -safe 0 -f concat -i concat.txt -c copy %outputfile%

Assume the script is named concat.cmd, use the command concat.cmd <inputfile> <inputfile> <outputfile as the last argument> to join individual input files to a single output file. For example, to join 2 files video-1.mp4 and video-2.mp4 to a single combine.mp4, we type the following

concat.cmd video-1.mp4 video-2.mp4 combine.mp4

The script will join input files in the order you specify and produce a single output file.




Gerald Nguyen
Gerald Nguyen

Written by Gerald Nguyen

Engineering Lead. I write about software development, and sometimes writing itself. Mostly original.

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